
MWEB Confidential Transactions

Cyberyen incorporates advanced privacy features through the MimbleWimble Extension Block (MWEB). MWEB facilitates confidential transactions, ensuring that transaction amounts and balances are known only to the involved parties.

MimbleWimble Extension Block (MWEB)


The MimbleWimble Extension Block (MWEB) is a key component of Cyberyen's privacy and confidentiality strategy. MWEB allows users to perform confidential transactions by leveraging the cryptographic principles of the MimbleWimble protocol, ensuring that transaction amounts and address balances are concealed from third parties.

Confidential Transactions

Transaction Amounts

MWEB facilitates confidential transactions by ensuring that the transaction amounts are only visible to the sender and receiver. This is achieved through cryptographic techniques that obfuscate the amounts on the blockchain, preventing third parties from viewing or analyzing the transaction values.

Privacy of Address Balances

MWEB also hides the balances associated with addresses, further enhancing privacy by ensuring that the total holdings of any address cannot be determined by analyzing the blockchain.

Cryptographic Techniques

MWEB leverages advanced cryptographic techniques to achieve its privacy goals:

  • Confidential Transactions: Using Pedersen Commitments, transaction amounts are hidden while still allowing verification that the sum of inputs equals the sum of outputs.
  • Blinding Factors: These random values are used in conjunction with transaction amounts to create Pedersen Commitments, ensuring that only the transaction parties can decode the actual amounts.
  • Cut-Through: This technique consolidates intermediate transactions, reducing the size of the blockchain and improving scalability without compromising privacy.

Transaction Throughput

MWEB not only enhances privacy but also improves transaction throughput. By implementing the cut-through mechanism, MWEB reduces blockchain size and data storage requirements, leading to faster transaction processing and greater network efficiency.

Benefits of MWEB

Enhanced Privacy

MWEB significantly enhances user privacy by concealing transaction amounts and address balances, preventing third parties from gaining insights into users' financial activities.


The cut-through mechanism improves the scalability of the Cyberyen blockchain, enabling it to handle a higher volume of transactions without sacrificing performance or security.


MWEB's cryptographic foundations ensure that transaction confidentiality does not compromise blockchain security. Pedersen Commitments and blinding factors maintain transaction integrity and validity while keeping details private.


Integration with Cyberyen

MWEB is seamlessly integrated into the Cyberyen protocol as an extension block. Users can opt for confidential transactions without altering the core functionality of the Cyberyen blockchain. Wallets and applications supporting Cyberyen can incorporate MWEB functionality, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

User Experience

Engaging with MWEB is straightforward for users. Wallets and applications that support Cyberyen can easily incorporate MWEB functionality, allowing users to select confidential transactions. The underlying cryptographic processes are handled by the software, ensuring a seamless experience.

The MimbleWimble Extension Block (MWEB) represents a significant advancement in privacy and scalability for the Cyberyen network. By facilitating confidential transactions and improving transaction throughput, MWEB enhances Cyberyen's security and efficiency. This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of MWEB, highlighting its cryptographic foundations, benefits, and integration with Cyberyen. Through MWEB, Cyberyen offers a robust and secure solution for users seeking enhanced privacy in their cryptocurrency transactions.